Vim Cheat Sheet Pdf For Mac

Vim cheat sheet pdf printable

  1. /ExtGState/ProcSet/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI /Annots 9 0 R 10 0 R /MediaBox 0 0 1008 612 /Contents 4 0 R/Group/ProcSet/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI.
  2. Mac OS X:: VI Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet Twitter: @pcgeek86 Source:
  3. LINUX COMMANDS CHEAT SHEET System dmesg = Displays bootup messages cat /proc/cpuinfo = Displays more information about CPU e.g model, model name, cores, vendor id cat /proc/meminfo = Displays more information about hardware memory e.g. Total and Free memory lshw =Displays information about system’s hardware configuration.
  4. Vim Cheat Sheet by Martinsos - Created Date: 0049Z.

vi is one of the most commonly used editor program and included by default with every UNIX and linux system. vi basically operates in 3 modes, namely :

  1. vi mode – the mode vi starts in
  2. command mode – you can be in command mode from the vi mode by pressing the key colon (“:”)
  3. input mode – in this mode user starts the actual editing of the text

Below are some of the most commonly used vi commands in all 3 modes of operation.

Vim Mac Download

vi mode commands

kMove one line upwards
lMove one character to the right
hMove one character to the left
wMove one word to the right
WMove one word to the right past punctuation
bMove one word to the left
BMove one word to the left past punctuation
eMove to the end of the current word
1GMove to the beginning of the file
HMove to the top of the current screen
MMove to the middle of the current screen
LMove to the bottom of the current screen
Ctrl-GMove to the last line in the file
Ctrl-FMove one screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-DMove 1/2 screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-BMove one screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-UMove 1/2 screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-LRefresh the screen
5GMove to line 5 of the file (5 can be any line number)
/stringFind text string forward
?stringFind text string backward
nFind forward next string instance after a string search
NFind backward next string instance after a string search
ZZSave the file exit vi
xDelete the character at the cursor
XDelete the character behind the cursor
ddDelete the line the cursor is on
10ddDelete the 10 lines following the cursor
yyYank the current line
pPut the yanked line below the current line
PPut the yanked line above the current line

Command mode commands

:g/X/s//x/gGlobal Search and replace (X=search object x=replace object)
:r fileImport a file into the current file
:34 r fileImport a file into the current file after line 34
:wWrite out the file to save changes
:w fileWrite the file to named file
:wqSave the file exit vi
:w!Force save the file
:q!Quit vi but don’t save changes

Input mode commands

aInsert characters to the right of the cursor
AAppend characters to the current line
iInsert characters to the left of cursor
IInsert characters at the beginning of the current line
oAdd a new line after current line
OInsert a new line above the current line

Familiarity with Vim shortcuts will help Linux users. Vim editor is a more enhanced version of the venerable VI Editor. The Vim Editor, a cross-platform text editor, is a very lightweight, efficient, highly configurable and powerful tool. The Vim helps you to work with more than one document at a time, and it can do extraordinary things without a mouse.

List of Vim Shortcuts – Vim Cheat sheet

Table of Contents

  • 1 List of Vim Shortcuts – Vim Cheat sheet

Vim Cheat Sheet

Note that the VIM shortcuts depend upon the mode of the editor. Hence you must check the way first while using the VIM shortcuts.

Below is the list of Vim shortcuts. By mastering a couple of Vim shortcuts, you’ll quickly achieve higher productivity that you’ll with a daily text editor. With this, you will see small improvements in your keyboard commands. Download the Vim shortcuts PDF.

General Shortcuts

Mac vim cheat sheet
ActionShortcut Keys
Yank (Copy) a lineyy
Yank 2 lines2yy
Yank wordyw
yank to end of liney$
Put (paste) the clipboard after cursorp
Put (paste) before cursorP
Delete a linedd
Delete the current worddw
Delete current characterx

Editing Shortcuts

ActionShortcut Keys
Change an entire linecc
Change to the end of wordcw
Change to the end of linec$
Delete character at cursors
Transpose two lettersxp
Repeat last command.
Replace a single characterr
Join line below to the current oneJ

Cursor Movement Shortcuts

ActionShortcut Keys
Move lefth
Move downj
Move upk
Move rightI
Jump by start of wordsw
Jump by wordsW
Jump by end of wordse
Jump by end of wordsE
Jump backward by wordsb
Jump backward by wordsB
start of line0
First non-blank character of line^
End of line$
Go to commandG
Inserting and Appending textInsert

Visual Mode Shortcuts

ActionShortcut Keys
Start visual modev
Move to other end of marked areao
Start linewise visual modeV
Move to other corner of blockO
mark a wordaw
a () blockab
a {} blockaB
Inner () blockib
Inner {} blockiB

Visual Commands Shortcuts

ActionShortcut Keys
Shift Right>
Shift Left<
Copy marked texty
Delete marked textd
switch case~

Search and Replace Shortcuts

Vim Cheat Sheet Pdf For Mac Os

ActionShortcut Keys
Search for pattern/pattern
Search backward for pattern?pattern
Repeat search in the same directionn
Repeat search in the opposite directionN
Replace all old with new throughout the file:%s/old/new/g
Replace all old with new throughout file with a confirmation:%s/old/new/gc

Others shortcuts

ActionShortcut Keys
Edit a file in a new buffer:e filename
Go to Next buffer:bnext
Go to previous buffer:bprev
Delete a buffer:bd
Split windowsCtrl + ws
Switch between windowsCtrl + ww
Quit a windowCtrl + wq
Split windows verticallyCtrl + wv
Save the file:w
Save and Quit:wq

Related Blog

Vim isn’t easy to learn for all and so it requires you to learn a variety of editor commands. These Vim shortcuts are best suited for people who are programmers, coders, system administrators, and individuals with the streamlined editor.

Vim in today’s world has reached its massive popularity. However, if you wish to see some alternative to Vim shortcuts are: Notepad ++ shortcuts, Visual Studio Code shortcuts, Sublime Text shortcuts.

Hope you have liked our blog on Vim Shortcuts and Vim Cheat Sheets. Suggestions are always welcomed for the blog you looking forward to hearing from us. Connect with us and Take your Office Productivity to Next Level.