Sound Frequency Meter Software

SoftwareDescriptionOSLicenseFile DateCommentsPower
VA - Visual Analyser 2011

Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyser

Voxengo SPAN 2.10

Real-time spectrum analyzer. [VST/AU]

Spectrum Analyzer v1.04

Real-time spectrum analysis plugin. [VST]

Sonic Visualiser 2.5

View and analyse the contents of music audio files. [Hosts VST Plugins]

Voxengo SPAN v2.10

Real-time spectrum analyzer. [VST]

Freq 5.1

Spectrum analyzer

AudioXplorer v1.3.1

Powerful sound analyzer software.

Sonic Visualiser v2.5

View and analyse the contents of music audio files. [Hosts VST Plugins]

Spek v0.8.2

Acoustic Spectrum Analyser/Spectrogram Viewer.

Audio LAB

Osciloscope, spectrum analyzer and audio generator

Win 3.1Freeware2000-07-099170db
SoundVision D51

FREE Realtime Sound Analyzer


Draws spectrograms from WAV files

Baudline v1.03

A real-time signal analysis tool and an offline time-frequency browser.

Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst 2.1

Frequency spectrum analyzer. [VST/AU/ RTAS]

Sonic Visualiser v2.5

View and analyse the contents of music audio files. [Hosts VST Plugins]

FFT Analyzer 1.b02

View audio signals in a frequency display

Spek 0.8.2

Acoustic Spectrum Analyser/Spectrogram Viewer

Sound Frequency Analyzer

Frequency Analyzer

bs-spectrum v1.3

Spectrum analyzer. [VST/AU]

bs-spectrum v1.3

Spectrum analyzer. [VST]

SPEAR v0.7.3

Audio analysis, editing and synthesis software.

Spek v0.8.3

Acoustic Spectrum Analyser/Spectrogram Viewer.

Frequency Analyzer

Freeware FFT analysis program

Wtune v2.3.2.0

Check the tuning of your voice/instrument, now with export to MIDI file.

SPEAR v0.7.3

Audio analysis, editing and synthesis software.

MultiInspectorFree v1.2.0

31 band spectral analyzer. [VST]

MultiInspectorFree v1.2.0

31 band spectral analyzer. [VST/AU]

Sonogram Visible Speech v3.0

Configurable Visual Sound Analse Program

Sonogram Visible Speech v3.0

Configurable Visual Sound Analyzer Program.

Slow MP3

Slow MP3 is a musician's music player that can slow down, transpose and transcribe songs on the fly.


Controls:Options Menu >> Frequency Counter >> Hertz
Macros:FcountMode=Hz, Freq, Total

When this button is active the large Frequency Counter readout shows the frequency of the Trigger Source in hertz. Make sure that Trigger is active, Mode is set to Normal, and that Trigger Slope, Level, and Hysteresis are set appropriately for the signal to be measured. Note that Hysteresis is especially important for proper Frequency Counter operation when noise is present, much more so than for simple display triggering.

If the Hertz display is too jumpy, set the Frequency Counter update rate to Slow.


Sound Frequency Meter Software

Software The software records a stretch of audio from the sound card to memory, then analyses it and provides you with a calculated frequency. Download (180KB) the PC software. Range The range of the unit is limited by 2 factors. The minimum frequency response of your sound card multiplied by the prescaler factor. The maximum frequency response of your brand of 74HC4060. The frequency meter. The program is written in the programming language Python. Therefore, it is simple to adapt it to your own requirements. A simple frequency meter for the PC with a soundcard.

Type 2250-S is a class 1 sound level meter (SLM) that comes with the microphone, preamplifier and basic applications you need to get started with accurate environmental, occupational and industrial measurement tasks. It is rugged enough for the field yet precise enough to go straight to the lab. Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 2000 - English Frequency Analyzer is software designed to analyze the frequency of an audio by converting it to voltage. For that, it divides the sound in many components that is called sine waves. Euterpe Free is a free sound meter software that can be used to measure noise. It captures sound and displays information such as Frequency (Hz), LF (A), LF (lin), histogram in a dB vs time graph, etc. It can detect and display upto 120 dBA noise. If the noise reaches alarming level.

Trigger Holdoff should normally be set to zero. But to measure the rate of tone or noise bursts, without interference from the tone or noise itself, set Holdoff longer than the duration of the burst on-time: The trigger logic will be locked out after the first trigger of each burst is found, and won't be re-enabled until after the burst is past; it will then be ready to trigger on the next burst.

If no triggers are detected, or if Trigger is not active, the frequency remains at zero.

You can use the Min/Max buttons at any time to see the minimum and maximum frequencies since the last Reset.

Sound Frequency Meter Software Download

Macro Notes:

Sound frequency meter software for windows 7

FcountMode=Hz or FcountMode=0 sets the Frequency Counter to Hz mode. You can use either mnemonic names or numeric values (or variables or expressions) for setting, reading, or IF testing:

Note that if you use a name instead of a value in an IF test, it must be in quotes: IF.FcountMode='Hz'.

Freq is an internal variable that holds the current Frequency Counter readout value, dependent on the chosen mode (Hz, RPM, msec, Total, or SpecTot). You can assign it to a variable such as F via F=Freq, or you can display it via Msg=Freq, or use it directly in an expression.

Total holds the count of total cycles counted since the last Reset, valid during Hz, RPM, or msec modes. This allows macros to get the Total value even when these other modes are active. Note that this does not work in SpecTot mode.


See alsoFrequency Counter

Sound Frequency Meter Software For Pc