Merge Two Quicken Accounts

'Pigments' <> wrote in message

To merge one account with another, start with the account that you want to remove from your GL chart of accounts and edit that account. You can change either the name or the account number of the account being removed to match the name or the account number of the account into which the account will be merged. Merging accounts It isn't currently possible to merge separate Google Accounts. However, if you'd like to transfer your data from one account to another, this may be done on a per product basis.


Quicken Merge 2 Accounts

I wouldn't know if there are [specific] H&B nuances at issue as I'm Q06Dlx
(I don't see why there would be though), but why can't you just enter
historical info into your file and simply enter an adjust to zero etc. item
for some total along the way.
That way you can put in batches of history as you're so moved.
That way you wouldn't have to worry about combining some time down the road.
That way as you put it in it's always there.

FWIW, that's what I did way back when when I first began using Qkn.
It never occurred to me to make a new file.
I started using Q 'for real' and then gradually entered and reconciled prior
Depending upon the account, sometimes I just entered a statement balance
line (and offset), other times I entered the entire statement (and an offset
line) and sometimes just selected lines (and an offset line).

I guess you could also put it into a parallel 'closed' account that was kept
at zero.
Similar affect.

Quicken Create Account


Merge Two Quicken Accounts

Geo. Salisbury
Long Valley, NJ

Setting Up Quicken 2017