Max Payne 3 Console Commands

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
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Question: What command line parameters can be used in Max Payne 3 for PC?Answer: Below is a list of supported command lines. Commandline parameters can be added to the 'commandline.txt' file in the root of the game folder. To create this file, right-click inside the directory and navigate to New-Text File (or create and save a text file of this name using wordpad).  Then name the. This guide is a compilation of several useful console commands and launch options for Max Payne on Steam. While they can be found on the Internet, I decided to organize them into a Steam guide for ease of access. Table of Contents Launch OptionsDeveloper KeysConsole CommandsList of LevelsRelated Posts: Launch Options First of all. Cheat mode: Start the game with the -developer command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click icon, then select 'Properties') then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C: Program Files Max Payne maxpayne.exe' -developer' Press F12 during game play to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate. More Max Payne 3 Mods. The patch for Max Payne 3. File name Downloads Added; 15: 4 Sep 2012: Download. Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands and Cheats List. Crusader Kings 3 Tribal to Feudal Raiding Guide. Crusader Kings 3 Culture and Innovations (Technology) Guide. This guide is a compilation of several useful console commands and launch options for Max Payne on Steam. While they can be found on the Internet, I decided to organize them into a Steam guide for ease of access.

View character models

Start the game with the '-developerkeys' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developerkeys' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F11] to display the statistics screen, then Press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to cycle through the character models.

Secret ending

Start the game with the '-developer' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developer' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter 'maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );' to view a secret game ending message.

Skip startup dialogue

Start the game with the '-nodialog' command line parameter.

Skip startup animation sequence

Start the game with the '-skipstartup' command line parameter.

Screen capture

Start the game with the '-screenshot' command line parameter. Press [F10] during the game to save a screen shot in the 'screenshots' folder in the main game folder.

Disable 3D graphics preload

Start the game with the '-disable3dpreloads' command line parameter. This may prevent crashes due to the system running out of texture memory while loading a level.

Windowed mode

Start the game with the '-window' command line parameter. Note: This cannot be used with a 3D accelerators.

Part 1, Chapter 5 secret

After the shootout in the laundry room, get into the elevator and you will hear music playing. Look up and shoot the speaker. The music will stop and Max will say 'Thank you.'

Part 1, Chapter 6 secrets

There are two secrets when you get to the basketball court. Look up in the basket. There is a Beretta stuck in the net. Then, go to the chain link fence next to the street. Wait briefly and an SUV will pass by. Shoot it, the car will screech to a halt, and a man with a shotgun will get out and shoot at you.

Secret tutorial room

Play the tutorial till you reach the end, where you can practice shooting enemies. Jump up on the big van located there, then over to the ventilation fan on the wall next to the van. From the fan, jump to the stairs and climb up to the top. Break through the window. You will find an Ingram in the room.

Cheat Codes

Start the game with the '-developer' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developer' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
God modgod
Disable god modemortal
All weaponsgetallweapons
Infinite ammunitiongetinfiniteammo
Debug modecoder
No clipping modenoclip
Disable no clipping modenoclip_off
Display frame rateshowfps
Refill bullet time metergetbullettime
Baseball batgetbaseballbat
Baretta with full ammogetberetta
Dual Berettas with full ammogetdualberetta
Sawed off shotgun with full ammogetsawedshotgun
Pump action shotgun with full ammogetpumpshotgun
Desert Eagle with full ammogetdeserteagle
Ingram with full ammogetingram
Dual Ingrams with full ammogetdualingram
TMP5 with full ammogetmp5
Colt Commando with full ammogetcoltcommando
Jackhammer with full ammogetjackhammer
M-79 with full ammogetm79
Sniper rifle with full ammogetsniper
Molotov cocktailgetmolotov
Pain killersgetpainkillers
Add indicated amount to healthc_addhealth[number]
Set jump heightjump[number]
Wounded walksetwoundedstate
Normal walksetnormalstate

-Some codes from:

Cheat mode

Start the game with the '-developerkeys' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developerkeys' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Max Payne 3 Console Commands
Result Cheat Code
Cycle through three camera modesC
Cycle mesh up[Page Up]
Cycle mesh down[Page Down]
Cycle texture set up[Ctrl] + [Page Up]
Cycle texture set down[Ctrl] + [Page Down]
Increase game speed[Home]
Decrease game speed[End]
Set game speed to normal[Home] + [End]
Teleport Max to next start point[Insert]
Teleport Max to previous start point[Delete]
Switches AI Movement Network Conn Visualization[F7]
Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization[F8]
Toggle statistics[F11]
Open console[F12]
External camera left[Cursor Left]
External camera right[Cursor Right]
External camera forward[Cursor Up]
External camera backward[Cursor Down]

To access the game console, run mahrawne.eхe

Cheat Codes to Max Payne Free Download

using the command line with the “-developer” parameter (developer).

As soon as you start the game with the “developer” parameter

you will get access to the game console using the [F12] key.

Example: “C: Max Payne MaxPayne.exe” -developer


Press [F12] to bring up the game console, then enter:

coder – immortality, all opyzhie, endless patrons, etc. Wineskin mac 64 bit.

god – immortality

mortal – turn off immortality

getallweapons – all options

getinfiniteammo – endless patrons

getpainkillers – Get 8 painters

c_addhealth (100) – add 100 lives

jump10 – jump higher (20 or 30 to jump higher)

SetWoundedState – show as paired

SetNormalState – pass normal

Get stuff:

You can use the “get” command to add

different activities and things to do in your apcenal:

Max Payne 3 Console Commands

GetBaseballbat – baseball bat

GetBeretta – bereta

GetBerettaDual or GetDualBeretta – two berets

GetDesertEagle – gun “desert opel”

GetSawedShotgun – shooter

GetPumpShotgun – Powerpump

GetJackhammer – Jack Hammep

GetIngram – yzy


GetDualIngram or GetIngramDual – two yzy

GetMP5 or GetColtCommando – M16

GetMolotov – Molotov’s cocktail

GetGrenade – grants

GetM79 – M79 (grenade launcher)

GetSniper – sniper rifle

GetHealth – life

GetPainkillers – 8 painters

GetBulletTime – freeze time

Transition to lower level:

To go to any level, select the one indicated below in the game

consoles whilst playing at any level:

maxpayne_gamemode-> gm_init (level name)

where the level name is one of the following:



end_combat (secret final, use this method

“maxpayne_gamemode-> gm_sendendofgamemessages ();”)

part0_level1 part2_level0 part3_level1

part1_level1 part2_level1 part3_level2

part1_level1b part2_level2 part3_level2b

part1_level2 part2_level2b part3_level3

part1_level2b part2_level3 part3_level4

part1_level3 part2_level4 part3_level5

part1_level3b part3_level5b

part1_level4 part3_level6

part1_level5 part3_level7


Easter eggs:

In the third episode, the fourth part (garage), immediately after the

Use four pairs of extras (ie, what is with the machine). Now take a look

turn right on the garage and you will see 3 barrels and an A / C block. Jump on it

at the top. Avatar burning earth pc game free download. On top of that, you will see the pattern on the wall that will

a segment in the form of a door, painted a little bit less than the rest of the

wall. Mass gmail account creator 2 2 5. Shoot into this area from any source, and the wall will break through.

Go inside: on the field you will see something like a grid.

Drink on it, and you will go to another room, where you will be waiting

some of the opyj, including a sniper rifle with chuck.

Even in this room, if you turn on the radio, you can listen to

Recorded Developers Speaks.


When you find a piano (on the floor level), click

use it, and Max will play the music theme of the game. If after

to shoot it in the piano’s cover, so that it fired, you can play

on the tool again.

Find a suitable installation in the bape, click Use

ee, and Max will send you on drums. You can still try the guitar,

Max Payne 3 Console Commands Generator

which lies right on the floor. If you ask Mac to use

microphones – he will say “Karaoke was never my thing.” (Kapake never

was my son)

At the end of the third part of the first episode (banditsky hotel), before the,

how to blow up the barrel and explode the floor, opposing the fire, where

Macca has been set up an assault, you will not see the full closed door.

Shot into it steam, and it will be developed. We will open the entrance to

a room with a large window. Go through this window to the bottom and walk on

me to the right. Open the closed window and enter the room,

where you will be waiting for a corpse with a knife in the back, 5 pcs. Molotov’s cocktail and

other useful items.

In the same place, after the explosion of the barrel, which will break through the floor, slide into the hole

on the floor below; in one of the first rooms on the wall next to the bed there will be

to see a poster with a nude girl. Click on it – the poster will be available,

and behind it there will be a video camera. The cabinet has opened the wall around the corner – it is

Play Max Payne 3

nothing else, like the entrance to the secret room, from which and

in progress.

At the beginning of the first level, you will see a hole in front of the bank. Bocuse

with the codes and give yourself a grant. Throw them into the hole. Now go to

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a room with mice